Short story

Cerita-cerita Pendek Pemenang Lomba

1. This story was the third winner of Short Story Writing Contest of Muhammadiyah University Surakarta 2010
by Novi Hidayanti

Fatimah walked down the narrow hallway toward the alley where she lived in …. sunlight began to dim slowly. Arriving in front of her house … dia mendengus sambil menggelengkan kepala. she snorted then shook her head.
“Ibu..ibu..kau memang wanita paling hebat di dunia ini.”Fatimah berkata dalam hatinya. "Mom ...! You’re the most wonderful woman in the world." Fatimah said in her heart.
Fatimah pun duduk di depan rumahnya sembari menunggu ibunya.meyelonjorkan kakinya yang keram setelah berjalan ber puluh-puluh kilo seharian.tidak lama kemudian adzan magrib berkumandang.fatimah bergegas mengambil air wudhu,,menjereng kardus di depan gubuk tuanya sebagai alas untuk shalat.. Fatimah was sitting in front of her house while waiting her mother. She stretched her cramps leg after walking many kilometers along the day. Shortly later adzan echoed. Soon, Fatimah did wudlu then spread her cardboard in front of her old hut as a base for the prayers. Maghrib came by.  selesai shalat Fatimah cemas melihat sudut gang sempit di kejauhan.. Finishing praying, she took a glance anxiously to the corner of a narrow pathway in the distance.
Saat dia kembali menengok ke arah gang dia tersenyum lega melihat sosok wanita tua mengayuh sepeda dari kejauhan sana.. When she turned back toward the pathway, she smiled relievable to see an old woman pedaling a bike in the distance.
“Ibu..kenapa baru pulang?kau harus memperhatikan kesehatanmu ibu.” "Mom, why did you just go home late? You have to care of your health, mom!"
“kau tak usah memperhatikan ibu nak..Ibu baik-baik saja” "You don’t need to be care of me. I’m just fine"
“aku tadi hampir ingin menyusul ibu..aku kira ibu sudah pulang. "I'd almost want to pick you up. I think you had gone home ...makanya aku tadi tidak mampir ke warung ibu..” so I didn’t stop at your stall. "
“Tak apa nak..kau sudah makan?” "Never mind dear, have you eaten?"
“Belum..aku menunggu ibu.. "No  ... I'm waiting for you, mom. aku ingin makan bersama ibu.ini nasi bungkus untuk ibu yang aku beli di sebrang jalan sana.” I want to eat with you. Here is sego kucing for you, mom. I bought it across the street.”
Ibu dan anak itu pun terlihat sangat menikmati nasi bungkus yang Fatimah beli dari hasil jualan korannya tadi sore.mereka sangat bahagia dan mensyukuri dengan apa yang telah mereka dapat di tengah kehidupan mereka yang serba kekurangan. They really enjoyed the dinner pack which Fatimah bought from the sale of her newspaper today. They were very happy and grateful for what they had gotten in their hard life.
******* *******
Seperti biasa pagi-pagi buta fatimah bangun membantu ibunya membuat kue-kue serta gorengan yang biasa ia jajakan dipinggir jalan. As usual. early morning Fatimah woke up to help her mother make cakes and fried foods she could sell at the edge of the road. Namun sebelum ibunya bangun,fatimah sudah bangun untuk belajar, mempelajari materi yang akan disampaikan gurunya di sekolah.salah satu cita-cita fatimah yaitu ingin mendapat beasiswa dan melanjutkan kuliah di Universitas Indonesia.dia menuliskan 100 target hidup atau impiannya didalam selembaran kertas.dan dia menempelkannya di dinding kamarnya.walaupun banyak orang mentertawakan dan mengolok-oloknya,tapi dia tetap yakin dengan apa yang dia lakukan,dia yakin suatu saat nanti dia mampu mewujudkan impiannya itu satu per satu.setiap sepulang sekolah fatimah keliling berjualan koran dan mengamen. But before her mother woke up, Fatimah had woken up first for having study, to learn the material to be conveyed her teacher at school. One of Fatimah’s dreams is that she want to get a scholarship and continued her study at the University of Indonesia. She wrote down 100 goals or dreams on the paper then and stuck them on her bamboo wall. Although many people took a laugh and make fun of her, but she remained confident in what she did.  She believed someday will be able to make her dreams come true one by one. Every returning from her school, Fatimah hung around to sell newspaper, polished shoes, and sometime ngamen.
Karena tidak tahan dengan terik matahari yang semakin membakar kulitnya,fatimah berteduh sambil mengipas-ngipaskan koran yang ada di tangannya.tidak sengaja dia melihat iklan mengenai Universitas Indonesia yang akan mengadakan kegiatan ajang kreasi anak bangsa dalam rangka memperingati ulang tahun UI.dalam iklan tersebut tertulis bahwa UI akan mengadakan berbagai lomba nasional untuk pelajar SMA.yang ingin dia ikuti adalah kegiatan Seminar dan juga lomba pidato bahasa inggris.dia sangat tertarik untuk bisa berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan tersebut.karena bagi pemenang akan mendapatkan beasiswa untuk kuliah di Universitas tersebut.selain itu dia juga ingin bertatapan langsung dengan Bapak Mario Teguh yang ada dalam setiap mimpinya,dan yang pasti medapatkan kekuatan-kekuatan besar yang dapat membangunkan raksasa yang ada dalam dirinya. The sun spread his head that afternoon burn her skin, Fatimah didn’t  stand anymore. Fatimah took shelter under a tree while warding off the newspaper on her hand. Unintentionally, Fatimah looked ads about the University of Indonesia which held students creation competition nationally to commemorate the anniversary of the UI. The ads mentioned that the UI will hold various national competitions for students of senior high school. She wanted to join the seminars and English speech contest because the winner would receive a scholarship to study at the University and eager meet directly with Mr. Mario Teguh, the man in her dreams who can awaken the giant power in her mind. Setelah membaca iklan di Koran tersebut dia kembali bangkit,semangat menjual Koran-korannya dan mengamen. After reading the ads in the newspaper, she got spirit for selling Newspapers and work again to make her dreams come true.
Sesampainya di rumah,terbayang-bayang Universitas Indonesia yang dia idam-idamkan dan Bapak Mario Teguh yang dia banggakan serta kagumi selama ini. At home, she dreamt about the University of Indonesia and Mr. Mario Teguh of whom she  proud and admired over the years.
“huh..sepertinya tidak mungkin jika aku harus mengandalkan sekolah.saya sudah males menghadapi pak Maryono.mengikuti kegiatan di UMS saja tidak di izinkan.apa lagi kegiatan akbar seperti ini.” Fatimah akhirnya harus berusah sendiri mengumpulkan uang untuk biaya pendaftaran dan ongkos ke Jakarta.karena mengharapkan izin dari kepala sekolah yang lebih mengutamakan pembangunan sepertinya tidak mungkin. Eventually, Fatimah had to collect the money for registration fees and transportation charge Jakarta by herself. It was impossible to get permission from her school principal who prioritize the development of the building not the school character and achievement.
Setiap hari,sepulang sekolah dia bekerja keras mengumpulkan uang untuk ongkos ke Jakarta.dia begitu semangat serta gigih memperjuangkan keinginannya itu.selain loper Koran dia juga mencari sampingan menjadi tukang semir sepatu,dan ketika hujan dia ngojek payung. Day by day after school, she worked hard to raise money for the fare to Jakarta. She was so determined to fight for the spirit of her intention. She did every single thing that make money: delivering newspaper, polishing shoes, ngamen, and in the rain ngojek payung.
Fatimah menghitung uang-uang yang dia dapatkan dari hasil mengamennya selama berhari-hari itu beserta tabungannya. Finally, Fatimah counted of money which she collected from her hard work.
“bagaimana nak,cukup?”kata ibu Fatimah dari muka pintu kamarnya. "Dear, how about it? Is it enough?" Fatimah's mother asked.
“belum bu,sebentar”jawab Fatimah sambil menggelengkan kepala dan kembali menghitung uangnya. "Not yet, mom. Wait a minute!” Fatimah said while shaking her head and re-counted her money.
“bagaimana nak,sudah cukup bukan?”Tanya ibunya lagi. "How about it, my dear? It is enough, isn’t it?" her mother asked again.
“masih belum bu.” "I don’t think so, mom."
Fatimah menghitung uang recehan yang tersisa dengan penuh harapan..Ibu memandang Fatimah sambil menunggu jawaban dan berharap sesimpul senyum dari bibir anaknya. Fatimah counted the last coins. Her mother looked at Fatimah and waited for an answer and hoped a smile from her lips.
“masih belum.”jawab Fatimah lirih. "Still have not." Fatimah replied softly.
Ibu Fatimah langsun menundukan kepala lantaran kecewa. Fatima's mother bowed her head because disappointed, and cried deeply in her heart.
“Bu,mungkin belum waktunya”sahut Fatimah membesarkan hati ibunya. “tidak nak! "No dear!Kau harus berangkat.jangan kau lewatkan kesempatan ini!” You must go. Don’t miss your opportunity! "
“tapi keaadan tidak memungkinkan,kita tidak boleh memeksakannya bu.” "But the situation is impossible, mom.”
“tidak nak,tidak ada yang tak mungkin.hanya ini yang ibu miliki..juallah!pasti cukup.”jawab ibu sambil mengulurkan cincin kepada Fatimah. "No! Nothing is impossible. I just have this, sell it, please! I believe it’s enough certainly “ mother forced. She handed out her wedding ring to Fatimah.
“tapi bu?”protes Fatimah "But mom?" Fatimah protested.
“sssstt..!ayahmu pasti mengerti.”sela Ibu sambil memeluk Fatimah. "Sssstt ..! Your father would understand." Mother Interrupted and then embraced Fatima.
Fatimah menangis di pundak ibunya sambil memeluk ibunya. Fatimah wept in her mother's shoulder as she hugged her mother.  Her father died three years ago because of TBC.
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Keesokan harinya fatimah berangkat kejakarta.sebelum fatimah pergi dia bersujud mencium kaki ibunya,meminta doa restu..suasana haru menyelimuti ruangan itu.ibu memeluk fatimah erat,agaknya ibu berat melepaskan anak satu-satunya itu. Early in the morning, Fatimah went to Jakarta. Before going, she groveled at her mother’s feet and asked her blessing. The commotion covered the room. Mother embraced Fatimah tightly and seemed hard to release her only daughter.
“maafkan ibu nak,ibu tak bisa menemanimu ke jakarta..” "Forgive me, my dear! I can’t accompany you."
 “pasti nak.ibu akan selalu mengirimkan doa untukmu.jangan lupa kabari ibu kalau sudah sampai nanti.” "Definitely I will always pray for you. Don’t forget to let me know if you have arrived."
“ya bu,fatimah berangkat.” "Yes. I leave."
Dengan harapan dan keyakinannya itu fatimah mantap melangkahkan kakinya. Fatimah stepped confidently.
Sesampainya di terminal,,fatimah duduk di bangku panjang yang terbuat dari kayu,menunggu bus jurusan Solo-Pulaugadung yang akan dia tumpangi.melihat orang-orang berlalu lalang dan suasana hiruk pikuk diterminal,fatimah teringat pesan ibunya.fatimah memeluk erat tasnya,waspada dengan orang-orang di sekitar.setelah kurang lebih satu jam menunggu bus yang akan ditumpangi fatimah datang.fatimah bergegas masuk ke dalam bus.dia mencari-cari nomor tempat duduk yang sudah dia dapatkan.di sebelah bangku yang akan dia tempati sudah ada seorang kakek yang duduk dibangkunya.kakek tersebut tersenyum hangat,fatimah membalas senyum kakek tersebut. Arriving at the terminal,, Fatimah sat on a wooden bench while waiting for the bus Solo-Pulaugadung looking at the people passing by. Fatimah remembered her mother’s saying, she embraced her bag tightly and warily. The bus came after an hour and half. Fatimah rushed into the bus then searched her seat. On board, there was an old man sitting. She gave such a warm smile, Fatimah smiled back.
“sendirian nak..?” "Are you alone?" the old man asked.
“iya kek,kakek sendiri?” "Yes"
“kakek juga sendiri..kau memang gadis pemberani” "So am I. You are a very brave girl"
“tidak seberani yang kakek fikirkan..tujuan kakek kemana?” "I am not as brave as you think. Where will you go?"
“Cisalak..kamu sendiri?” "Cisalak. and you?"
“ke Cipinang kek..” "To Cipinang."
“kalau boleh tau ada keperluan apa kau pergi kesana?sampai kau nekat dan memberanikan diri pergi sendirian seperti ini?” "I might know there is anything you need to go there? Until you're daring and have courage to go alone like this?"
“karena impian saya kek,yang mendorong langkah saya untuk ke jakarta” "Because of my dream, I want to make it come true"
Kakek itu tersenyum bangga dan menepuk pundak fatimah. The old man smiled proudly and patted her shoulder.
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sesampainya di stasiun Pulaugadung semua penumpang turun dari bus.begitu juga dengan Fatimah.sebelum melanjutkan perjalanan dia mampir di warteg.melihat menu-menu yang di sajikan semakin membuat Fatimah tak sabar untuk makan. Arriving at Pulaugadung terminal, all the passengers got out of bus and so did Fatimah. Before continuing  her steps, she stopped by at a food stall. Looking the menus made Fatimah starved.
“mbak nasinya.”sahut Fatimah terhadap penjaga warteg "Mom, take me a plate of rice, please!" Fatimah asked.
“iya mbak sebentar..”jawab penjaga warteg. "Ok, wait a moment!" the owner of the food stall answered.
“lauknya apa mbak?”sambung penjaga warteg. "What do you want eat?" the own continued.
Fatimah bengong melihat lauk-lauk yang disajikan.ikan mas,udang,ayam goreng rendang dan lauk pauk lainnya yang begitu menggiurkan untuk di santap.namun mengingat uang yang dia miki terbatas.menyebut namanya saja tidak berani,apa lagi memesannya. Fatimah stunned to look the menu: gold fishes, shrimps, fried chickens and other dishes are so tempting to eat. Remembering that she just had limited money, she had no courage to order.
“kering temped an tahu gorengnya saja bu.”jawab Fatimah lirih. "Just fried tofu and tempe, please." Fatimah replied softly.
“baiklah mbak.”Fatimah menikmati makanan yang sudah dia pesan.walaupun dengan lauk yang sederhana,tapi dia masih bisa memakannya dengan lahap.karena baginya yang penting bisa mengisi perutnya yang kosong.berharap makan enak pun dia tidak berani. Fatimah enjoyed the food that she had been ordered ravenously. Setelah selesai makan,Fatimah mendadak bingung dan panic mencari-cari dompetnya.dia merogoh semua kantongnya,tak dia temukan juga dompetnya.dia menggeledah tasnya,sampai-sampai dia mengeluarkan seisi tasnya.namun masih belum dia temukan juga dompetnya. Finished eating, suddenly Fatimah confused and panic. She looked for her wallet then grabbed her pocket. Unfortunately, she still found nothing. She ransacked her bag then took  out, but she still didn’t find it.
“ada apa mbak?”Tanya penjaga warteg. "What is up?" The owner of food stall asked.
“anu mbak..a,,a,,nu.”jawab Fatimah gagap "a…a….a!." Fatimah groped.
“anu,anu,,anu kenapa?”bentak penjaga warteg.seolah dia sudah tahu apa yang akan Fatimah ucapakan. "What’s a matter? Say it clearly!" the owner scolded.
It seemed that she knew what Fatimah would say.
“dompet saya hilang bu..”kata Fatimah dengan lirih "I've lost my wallet." Fatimah said quietly
“ouw..jadi kamu datang kesini sengaja minta belas kasihan dari saya.begitu?enak saja! "Ouw ... so you came here to ask pity intentionally from me, hah! Do whatever you like. nowadays nothing is free. Even urinating had to pay, you know!? If you don’t have money, you don’t need to come here!" the owner said cynically.
“saya minta maaf bu,saya datang kesini tidak bermaksud minta belas kasihan dari ibu.saya benar-benar tidak tahu kalau dompet saya hilang.saya baru saja menyadarinya saat saya akan membayar makanan tadi.”jawab Fatimah "I'm sorry, I come here not to ask your pity. I really do not know if my wallet is lost. I just noticed when I would pay for the food." Fatimah begged.
Semua orang yang ada di warteg itu menyorot kepada Fatimah.mereka memandangi Fatimah dan penjaga warteg itu smbil berbisik-bisik.entah apa yang mereka bicarakan.munkin ada yang merasa kasihan terhadap Fatimah,dan ada pula yang muak melihat muka Fatimah,dan memihak kepada penjaga warteg.fatimah hanya bisa menangis dan berkali-kali mengucapkan kata maaf kepada penjaga warteg.namun ibu penjaga warteg tak henti-hentinya mencaci dan memaki Fatimah.hingga akhirnya pun dia tega menyeret Fatimah keluar.fatimah tak bias berbuat apa-apa.mau membela diri pun tak kuasa.karena dia memang disudutkan pada keadaan yang salah.tak ada seorang pun yang membelanya.sesegera dia pergi dari warteg itu karena tak tahan mendengar makian serta hinaan yang di lontarkan dari penjaga warteg itu. All the people were in the food stall focused their attention to Fatimah. They looked at Fatimah and the owner of food stall while whispering. Heaven knew what was they were talking about. Perhaps, they were some pitied to Fatimah. And also some nauseated for looking Fatimah’s face and sided to the owner of the food stall. Fatimah just could cry and apologized thousand times. But the owner heaped on curses incessantly. Finally, she dragged Fatimah without giving it a second thought. Fatimah could do nothing. She didn’t have the strength just for providing herself, no one provided her. Soon, she leaved the food stall, because she couldn’t stand anymore for hearing curses and obscenities the owner posed.
Fatimah terus berjalan tanpa tujuan,karena dia sudah tak memiliki apa-apa.dia istirahat sejenak di pinggir jalan,dia sadar bahwa dia harus berbuat sesuatu agar dia bias sampai di Depok.Akhirnya Fatimah memutuskan untuk mengamen,agar dia bias bertahan hidup di Jakarta.dan tidur disana-sini,dipinggir jalan bersama anak jalanan lainnya. Fatima continued to walk without a goal, because she had had nothing. she took a rest on the road side. She realized that she must do something in order to arrive in Depok. Finally, Fatima decided to ngamen to survive in Jakarta. She slept in the nearest mosque and sometimes at the road edge with other homeless.
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Sudah lima hari Fatimah di Jakarta,dia hanya mempunyai waktu 1 hari untuk mengikutikegiatan di UI.fatimah menghitung uang yang dia dapatkan dari hasil mengamennya selama 3 hari ini.dia rindu akan ibunya di kampung.dia teringat pesan  dia sangat merasa bersalah karena sampai di hari ke-5 dia belum juga menelfon ibunya.tanpa berfikir apa-apa lagi Fatimah langsun menelfon ibunya.dia memberitahukan ibunya bahwa dia baek-baek saja.dia tidak menceritakan apa yang telah dia alami di Jakarta.dia tak ingin ibunya cemas mengkhawatirkan dirinya jika dia menceritakan yang sebenarnya. Fatimah had been five days in Jakarta, so she only had one day to take part in UI. She counted the money she got from the results of ngamen during the three days. She missed her mother in the village very much. She remembered her mother’s message. She felt guilty, because until the 5th day she had not called her mother yet. Without thinking anything she called her mother directly. She told to her mother that she was fine, everything was okay. She didn’t tell what had happened because she did not want her mother worried about.
Fatimah merasa lega dan senang setelah mendengar suara ibunya dan mengetahui keadaan ibunya,dia pun kembali bersemangat untuk meraih impiannya.segera dia menaiki bus jurusan Pulaugadung-Depok yang pamannya beritahukan sebelum dia berangkat ke Jakarta.di perjalanan dia mengingat kembali dan mempelajari teks pidato yang sudah dia persiapkan saat masih ada di kampung.dia teringat pesan Leknya yang telah melatihnya.dan juga yang mendaftarkan dia mengikuti kegiatan tersebut.dia adalah seorang guru bahasa inggris. Fatimah was relieved and happy after hearing her mother's voice and knew her mother condition, she was eager to get back her dreams so she boarded the bus of Pulaugadung-Depok that her uncle told before she left for Jakarta. During the journey, she memorized and learnt the speech text she prepared before. She gratitude to her uncle’s advice that have been trained and registered her to follow the activity. He is an English teacher.
“jangan terlalu focus dengan apa yang kau hafalkan.fokuslah kepada audiens.buatlah agar audiens benar-benar mengerti dan memahami apa yang kau sampaikan.tanamkan niat bahwa kau benar-benar ingin menyampaikan itu kepada mereka.sehingga kau bisa lebih mengkhayati.jangan merasa takut jika kau benar.” "Don’t be too focused to what you had memorized! Focus to the audiences! Make audiences truly know and understand what you conveyed! Make sure that your objective is to convey your message to them!”Kata-kata itu yang selalu terniang dalam fikirnya. The words were always in her mind.
di tengah perjalanan tiba-tiba bus mogok.padahal 5 jam lagi kegiatan akan di mulai.angkutan itu merupakan satu-satunya bus yang tersisa untuk jurusan Depok.fatimah menunggu dengan sabar bus itu di perbaiki. In the middle of the journey suddenly the bus was out of order. Unfortunately, it was just five hours left to the competition. Fatimah was waiting patiently on the bus.
Sesampainya di UI.kegiatan sudah di mulai.fatimah telat 10 menit.namun setelah Fatimah menjelaskan apa yang telah terjadi sebenarnya,dia dipersilahkan mengikuti kegiatan seminar tersebut.dia dipersilahkan oleh panitia yang membuka acara tersebut untuk memperkenalkan diri. Arriving at UI, the seminar had been begun. Fatimah was late for 5 minutes. After explaining what has happened, she welcomed to take part in seminar. She was asked by the organizer who opened the event to introduce herself.
“Baiklah..perkenalkan saya Siti Fatimah.saya dari SMA Bakti Nusa Boyolali.saya sangat bersyukur dengan kesempatan yang telah Allah berikan untuk ikut berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan yang luar biasa ini” "Okay ... in the good occasion I’ll introduce myself. My name is Siti Fatimah. I am from SMA Bakti Nusa. I live in Boyolali. I am very grateful to God has who has given me an opportunity to participate in is outstanding activity"
“sebentar..sebentar dhek Fatimah, antum mengikuti kegiatan ini atas permintaan sekolah atau inisiatif sendiri?”sela panitia yang membuka acara ketika Fatimah akan kembali ketempat duduk. "…Wait a moment Fatimah! Do you follow the event because the request of the school or your own initiative?" the committee interrupted that opened the show when Fatimah would go back to her seat. “inisiatif sendiri”jawab Fatimah tegas.
"My own initiative" Fatimah replied firmly.
“wow..luar biasa.”kata panitia bangga sambil bertepuk tangan. "Wow … incredible." Organizers said proudly while clapping her hands.
Selama 2 hari Fatimah mengikuti kegiatan dengan penuh semangat.dia merasakan semangat yang menggebu-gebu,hasrat,keyakinan dan kemantapan untuk mengepakan sayapnya lebih tinggi. During the two days Fatimah followed the activity with Great Spirit. She felt the spirit of enthusiasm, passion, confidence and steadiness to flap her wings higher.
A day after seminar, the next schedule was English speech contest. It was the time for Fatimah to show her ability. She conveyed a speech on the theme of nationalism fluently. She tried to present the best. Although in the beginning she was nervous, but after standing in front of the audiences, fantastically the feeling lost instantly. Suddenly after finishing her speech, the audiences cheered, and even gave standing applause as an appreciation of Fatimah’s performance. The announcement of the winner was announced on that day. Surprisingly, Fatimah she was the winner of the competition. Fatimah adoring gratitude, everyone gathered around and congratulated to Fatimah.

2. This short story won the seventh of the third winner of Short Story Writing Contest of Muhammadiyah University Surakarta 2009
by Dewi Ratnasari Wijaya

                                                          SIERRA AND LISTA

Have through years, Sierra and Lista always are always together. Lista always accompanies Sierra in the moment of happiness and also sorrow. Yes... Lista is one of the best friend Sierra owns. Lista is always available to whenever, wherever Sierra needs. Sierra remembered first time Sierra register to the favorite high school in Andong the South-east of Boyolali, " SMA JAYA TERUS", she was only accompanied by Lista, her companion. Sierra’s Parent could not accompany because they were super businessman, her father is a successful Batik entrepreneur which always travels along the country, while her mother is always flooded by the batik orders, so that time to look after Sierra is very limited.

“Let go girls, or late!" said a mother handle her little daughter’s hand in front of Sierra into the School gate.
 See the very crowded atmosphere with many children accompanied by their mother and also their father. It’s likely a misery of Sierra heart because in one of the most valuable step determining her future must be beyond without her parent on her side.
Smiling to Lista friend, her companion, Sierra says, “Fortunately, you’re here, girl!  At the moment I need support like today".
 It’s true that Lista has never forgotten the thing which Sierra required, she’s the only person she can tell her heart. Lista is always ready to and always there with Sierra wherever Sierra does.

“Sierra, you will face today fully successfulness" Says the Lista to Sierra confidently.
 “Surely girl! Be optimist" Sierra assured herself to remain confident.

“Number 236" A voice called from the room.
 “Yes... I’m" Sierra answered that voice.
 That voices seemingly the voice the new student registrant officer. Sierra immediately stepped into the new student registration room and to complete all its registration administration.

 A few moments later with the cheerful face, Sierra went out the registration room. At the same time, “Finally, finish for today!" Sierra and Lista immediately went home and wait for the test.
Early in the morning, the clock rang. Sierra woke up, she immediately take the water for Shubuh. , Sierra immediately arranged the equipment for the test. She didn’t forget to remind Lista. This morning Sierra would do the test to determine her future later. Lista also prayed for the successfulness of her companion.

Reaching the target, Sierra immediately enter the test room. For this time being, Sierra wasn’t accompanied by Lista. She must wait for her for 2 hours. She did the test immediately, supposed not to trouble Lista. Before going home, she looked at the announcement that the test would be announced 2 weeks later.

“Assalamualaikum..." Sierra greeted.
 “Wa’Allaikumsalam... What’s up?" Grandmother asked Sierra
 “Insya Allah " replied Sierra by kissing grandmother’s hand.
 “I ‘m to my room, grandma”

At her most comfortable room, she expressed all her feeling to Lista, the one who will never betray her.
 2 week elapsed, and it’s the moment to see the announcement.

: " I must be ready for whatever the result of the test will”, Sierra said.
 Sierra immediately took the bag and jump out of the bed room and left for school, so that she forgot to leave taking to her beloved grandmother. Her heart beat quickly, impatient to see the announcement.

Arrived at school, Sierra leaped up that there were so many people waiting the result. They came with their parents.  That made Sierra envy in them. Likely Sierra wish to grief, but Sierra try to strengthen her self.
 “Heeeh..... 15 minute again." Burbled Sierra.
 The announcement would be held precisely at 09.00 o’clock, and now time showed 08.45.

Not too long after that, some grieved and some faces moped. Curiously, I came closer and asked,
“Pardon me, sir!  What is going on?" Asked me slowly.
 “O.... the announcement....!" replied the man.

Hearing that, Sierra immediately ran to see the announcement, I trace the name one by one and finally, the name Sierra Nobiko Wijaya shown in 9th row. Unbelievably, once she ascertained, if it was only eye illusion. I saw again and again to assure that it was Sierra Nobiko Wijaya.

 “Hah... it was amazing to study favourite high school. Coming home to tell, Mom, grandma, Dad and Lista, my companion.” But it must be delayed because I had to pay attention to the headmaster’s announcement in the school yard about the first activities in my new school.

Arriving home, Sierra told the good news to her grandma. She was very deeply happy. But when she told her parent, they only said, “Congratulation, girl! We have to leave for working soon.”

Sorrowful, Sierra entered her room. She wanted to tell Lista her feeling. “If I were strong as you, although you grieve, storm and lightening hit, you still able to accept it sincerely, if I ……..”

 Dear Lista,

“Although I have complete parent but I feel lonely, you are my true companion. You feel what I feel, you know what I know. You never complain about me. You are they only one I can express my feeling when my parent doesn’t take care of me. You always support me when I am down. I don’t need much from my parent, I only want that they pay attention to my beginning future in my education.”

If Lista is able to answer she will reply, she will be able to entertain her companion when she is grieving. Truly Lista never did anything, because Lista (tuLisan Tangan) is only Sierra’s diary. She is the diary that is ready whenever and wherever she needs it.

3. This story was the third winner of Short Story Writing Contest of Muhammadiyah University Surakarta 2011
by Riska Yuliana Damayanti

The Message
“Don’t let your life useless. Do much devotion and charity. Keep your spirit in ALLAH! Have a nice day”

Sending SMS like the above is one of my hobby as I was the chief of Rohis in the OSIS. I usually send SMS to motivate my friends to keep on the right track, study hard, do much religious worship and charity.
Feeling sleepy made me lazy to study.  Mosquitoes flied around me. The pillow and bolster  flattered me to sleep. I felt very confused then I  looked at my book. But, the words flung in the air. I’m really sleepy.
“Oh, no! I cried. “I had promised with my friend to send him a message , Tiko”.
“ Ass. Wake up then take a wudhu. Spread your Sajadah and pray Tahajud. Allah will grant your wishes. Good luck and try!”

Tiko was my classmate. He was not as handsome as Justin Bieber. He was not as smart as Dude Herlino. Anyway, he was my best friend. Yesterday he told me about his problem. Tiko asked me to send a pray to clam his heart and persuade him to pray in the midnight. He thought that can make him calm.
As a usual, I met some friends in the school.  I liked meeting them.  But I hoped, I didn’t meet Zitiko Annam.  His nick name was Tiko.  His nick name was the same like my best friend’s name, Tiko. Although they were the same, they were extremely different. Zitiko was handsome but he was a very arrogant and rude boy.

“Hi, Tiko! Have you gotten my message ?”
“I didn’t get your message yet. Last night my HP was in trouble. ”
“Ok, I will send again tonight later.”
‘Ana! He still looke at me. My mother  believes  that I always make trouble in the class.’

Suddently, a student passed by.
“Who is he?”I asked
“Em…Zitiko. ”
I heard that you have a problem with him, didn’t you?
“What! Have you made a mistake with him?”
“I don’t know. Yesterday I just told him about my mother then he was angry to me. ”

Zitiko was really a bad boy. Tiko just told Zitiko about his mother and  Zitiko was angry.  I  must help him to explain it. I must tell Zitiko the truth.
The night came again. I was thinking what must I do to help my friend. I would persuade him to pray in the midnight. I sent Tiko a message.

Let’s pray tonight.  We will get a calm heart and mind.  Tell  all of  your problems to ALLAH. Have a nice try! Good luck!

 “Who are you? Sending SMS in the midnight.” reply the number of tiko.
“I’m Ana, your best friend.  I ask you to wake up and pray in the midnight,” I answered worryingly.
I had given my number last moment.  Why didn’t he save my number? He must explain me about it tomorrow.  This night I’m not sleepy although the mosquitoes bitted and asked me to sleep.
Ana! You would wake up me to pray in the midnight, won’t you?” Tiko asked me at school.
“I have woken you up …? My word was blunted.
“Oh no! I forget. Last night, my HP was brought by my mother. She punished me.”
‘Owww, you were punished because of Zitiko,”
I leave Tiko alone at our class. I walked toward Zitiko’s class. I would give him a lesson.
“Hi you!”I cried
“Hi, Ana. Thank’s for…”
“What did you do to my best friend?" I angry to Zitiko’s remark.
“Yeachh,” I answered simply
“Ask your Tiko! All students know that my mother died when I had problem with her. Why did Tiko tell his mother to me? It made me sad,” Zitiko explained to me strongly.
“It just because of that.”
“However, after you sent me a SMS to pray and calm my heart in the midnight, I could accept the fact.  And I will ask an apology to Tiko.  I will explain to his mother that Tiko isn’t a rascal boy. ”
“I didn’t send a SMS to you.”
I leave Zitiko. Many students stared at me.  Might be they think I was strength girl.  I came angrily.  And came back upsetly.  Yeah I was really upset.  So, it came to my mind that I had sent my praying SMS to the wrong number.  I forget to differ the number of Tiko and Zitiko. I wrote Tiko’s number “Tiko” and Zitiko ‘tiko’. So last night I sent my SMS to ‘tiko’ not “Tiko”.
After that moment Zitiko thank to me.  He said that my SMS had realized  him.  I, Tiko and Zitiko became best friends.  All of my friend didn’t believe that Zitiko change into a good boy.  I didn’t forget to persuade Tiko and Zitiko to pray in the midnight. Might be it make Zitiko became a good boy.


These short story can be downloaded below:
1.The four tears can be downloaded here
2.ACROSS TATTOO can be downloaded here
3.FB Addict by Hanifah can be downloaded here

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